H o m e
S t r e l i z i a
E s p a c e
P e i n t u r e
P a i s l e y
T a i l l e u r
P u b l i c i t y
S t y l e
P a i n t i n g
T a i l o r
Paintings from 1998
50 cm x 50 cm (along the sides) & other sizes
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Boating (1998)
Large squares (1998)
Dance (1998)
Pastel squares (1998)
Flowers (1998)
Reflection (1998)
Vertical abstraction (1998)
Movement (1998)
Horizontal abstraction (1998)
Blue tree (1998)
Cathedral (1998)
La salève
Horizontal squares (1998)
Aquarelle (1998)
Radiance (1998)
Tree in autumn (1998)
Arrangement of bottles (1998)